Industrial Compressors
CORKENS highly reliable industrial compressors are used for process gases in the chemical industry, corrosive biogas in waste management and compressed gases in the petrochemical industry. The D-Style oil-free gas compressors have double packing on each piston rod and a single distance piece. The T-style oil-free compressors
utilize three sets of packing per piston rod and two distance pieces.
FAS / CORKEN units are manufactured and delivered in/from our factory in Salzgitter.
Corken’s oil-free compressors are designed specifically for industrial applications and cover a wide area of application for gases.
CORKEN compressors are designed for over 3000 applications and for the following gases:
Ammonia | Cyclopropane | Hydrogen | Cyclohexane |
Argon | Deuterium | Hydrogen Chloride | Hydrocarbon gas |
Benzene | Dimethylamine | Isobutane | Monomethylamine |
Biogas | Dimethyl ether | Isobutene | Natural gas |
Butadiene | 2,2-dimethylpropane | Isobutylene | Neon |
Bromotrifluoro-Methane | Ethane | Krypton | Nitric oxide |
Carbon dioxide | Ethyl chloride | Methane | Nitrous oxide |
Carbon monoxide | Ethylene | Methyl acetylene | N-octaine |
Carbon tetrachloride | Ethylene oxide | Methyl bromide | Ozone |
Carbonyl sulfide | Helium | Methyl Chloride | Phosgene |
Chlorodifluoro-Methane | N-heptane | Methyl mercaptan | Propane |
Cyanogen | N-hexane | Monoethlamin | Propylene |
CFC-11 | CFC-502 | Sulfur dioxide | Vinyl bromide |
СFС-12 | CFC-503 | Sulfur hexafluoride | Vinyl fluoride |
СFС-13 | HCFC-22 | Tetrafluoroethylene | Vinil chloride |
СFС-113 | HCFC-141B | Trichloroethane | Xenon |
HFC-134A | HFC-152A | Trimethylamine | and more |